
挞皮材料:130克普通面粉,1/8 盐,30克糖 (全部筛过),110克奶油 (切小块)。
装饰材料:1盒草莓,1粒奇异果,1粒罐头水蜜桃 ,少许蓝莓。
Pastry Ingredients: 130g plain flour
1/8g salt
30g sugar
110g butter
Filling Ingredients: 2 egg yolks
30g sugar
1 tea spoon vanilla essence
30g corn flour
200 ml fresh milk
Topping Ingredients: 1 small box strawberries, 1 kiwifruit, 1 canned peach, some blueberries.
1.) 粉,盐,糖和奶油全部放入碗里。
Flour, salt and butter put in the bowl.
2.) 用电动打蛋器搅拌均匀。
Mix well with electric mixer.
3.) 压入搽了一层奶油的挞模里,用叉在挞皮插上小洞,盖上包鲜膜放入冰箱冷冻室冷藏15分钟后才烘。
- Brush tart pan with butter, then press dough into the tart pan..
- Prick all over the dough with a fork.
- Then cover with plastic wrap and keep in the freezer for 15 minutes.
4.) 放入红豆在挞皮上,在烘时以防过度膨胀,匆忙之下忘了把红豆放在锡纸上才放入挞皮上就直接把红豆
放上挞皮烘了。。。。。。 下回一定要记得。。。放入 烘炉中层以180度 C 烘15分钟.
- Place red bean on the pastry, this will prevent puffing up when it bakes.
- Should put baking paper under red bean, so that it look nice( but I forgot to put that is why the photo below looks with dots).
- Bake in 180 degree C for 15 minutes.
5.) 烘好的挞皮放一边待凉,里面的洞洞就是红豆印了。
- After baking remove the beans, and leave it to cool.
Filling :
1.) 蛋黄,糖和香精打均,再加入玉米粉拌均。
Mix egg yolk, sugar and vanilla essence well, then add in corn flour and mix well.
2.) 用小火煮热鲜奶。
Heat up fresh milk with low fire.
3.) 倒入蛋黄糊于鲜奶里,不停的搅拌至没有颗粒至浓,若觉得太浓便加加鲜奶,觉得太希便加 玉米粉。
- Pour the egg mixture into the fresh milk, whisking constantly until thicken.
- Add fresh milk if you find the mixture is too thick.
- If the mixture is too watery, add in corn flour.
4.) 煮好的馅料倒入挞皮里抹平。
Pour the mixture onto the tart.
5.) 放入水果装饰,200毫升水加入30克糖和1小匙果冻粉煮溶,淋在水果上,这样能保持水果的光鲜,
- Decorate the top with mixed fruits.
- Heat up 200ml water, 30g sugar and 1 tea spoon jelly powder to make liquid jelly.
- Pour liquid jelly on top of the mixed fruits.
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