
材料A : 240克高筋面粉,60克普通面粉,45克白糖,4克盐,10克奶粉,2茶匙干酵母
材料B : 1 粒鸡蛋,165 - 175毫升水
材料C : 30克菜油或奶油 ,
Ingredients A : 240g high protein flour (bread flour)
60g plain flour, 45g sugar, 4g salt, 10g milk powder, 2 tea spoon dry yeast.
Ingredients B : 1 egg, 165 - 175ml water
Ingredients C : 30g margerine / butter
1 tea spoon olive oil
some grated almond
some egg glaze
1.) 把材料A混合,再加入材料B揉成粗团。
Mix well A, then add B and knead into rough dough.
2.) 加入材料C搅拌,这时面团会油油湿湿,继续揉下去就会慢慢变成光滑和有弹性。
Add in C and continue knead until the dough become smooth and elastic.
3.) 揉到面团勉强可以拉成薄膜即可。
Knead until the dough can barely be pulled into a thin layer.
4.) 揉好的面团,抹上一层橄榄油再盖上湿布待发一个小时。
Add a layer of olive oil, and then cover with a damp cloth, let it raise to double size
(take about 1 hours).
5.) 发好的面团。
Above already raised to double size.
- 图上是做好的花朵形状面包,在中间洒上杏仁碎, 放入搽了一层油的烘盘待发一个小时,
- 在表面搽上蛋液.
- 再放入预热的烘炉以180度C烘18- 20分钟。
- Make it into flower sharp.
- Sprinkle some grated almond on the centre.
- Put it into the tray and let it raise to double size(take about 1 hours).
- Brush with egg glaze.
- Bake at 180 degree C for about 18-20 minutes.
7.) 烘好的花朵面包。
Enjoy it ~
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